Participation in federal projects

It is known that social programs, implemented by the State – is a large-scale and responsible activity. Especially for construction projects. Only the companies with time-proved reputation of reliable partners are allowed to execute the construction of facilities. 

Participation in implementation of state public works projects is proof the company's leadership in the industry. This exactly concerns ‘Santechkomplect’  holding. In 2011 the holding company has successfully continued its participation in state programs of housing construction.


Thus, in Podmoskovje, in Podolsk region, within the nationwide program "Housing for military servicemen", the new microdistrict "Kuznechiki" for military servicemen is erected. It is planned to build more than 14,700 apartments for more than 50,000 residents. The pace of construction - is high. Requirements to suppliers – are strict. Responsible attitude of holding company to comply with all the requirements allowed it to become one of the leading suppliers in this federal project. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense is committed to reduce the cost per square meter of housing being built for the military men. ‘Santechkomplect’ holding is a dealer of many leading manufacturers of engineering systems and supplies them at reasonable prices.

Holding ‘Santechkomplect’ as a comprehensive supplier of engineering equipment deserved confidence not only with government bodies. Integrated development of Academichesky microdistrict territory in Yekaterinburg is executed by one of the largest developers in Russia, and the construction companies that implement the projects, - are the industry leaders in Ural region. Microdistrict is constructed within the program "Affordable Housing". The scale of construction is huge - up to 2025 it is planned to build 13 million square meters of real estate. The population of the area – is more than 300 thousand people. It is clear that at the implementation of such an ambitious project, among other things, competitive products, and the best prices, and clear logistics are also very important. All these attributes of confident enterprise are inherent to holding ‘Santechkomplect’, due to this fact at the construction of microdistrict Academichesky ‘Santechkomplect’ holding – is the leading supplier of engineering equipment.

In addition to participation in such major projects as the construction of housing for military servicemen and construction of microdistrict Academichesky, ‘Santechkomplect’ holding participates in the implementation of social programs of a smaller scale, but not less important for the region. Thus, in Nizhny Novgorod region holding was a supplier of engineering systems in programs for construction of housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, young professionals, and in the program "Orphans" and "Displacement of old housing fund." By participating in all these programs, ‘Santechkomplect’ holding provided the most optimal solutions in terms of cost and time of the supplied equipment.

For the fourth year in Russia according to № 185-FZ dd 21.07.2007 program ofapartment buildings overhaul is being implemented. As a complete supplier of engineering systems, ‘Santechkomplect’ holding is a reliable supplier for a variety of municipalities, which are interested in the uninterrupted supply of repair and construction organizations with pipeline and sewer systems, radiators, sanitary ware. Thousands of apartments in all regions of the country are equipped with sanitary equipment and materials provided by ‘Santechkomplect’ holding within the program of apartment buildings overhaul. 

One of the latest examples of successful participation of holding in regional scale projects is cooperation with Gasification Fund in Tatarstan. Program of changeover from centralized to individual heating system is executed in the Republic for the time being. Apartment heating is being promoted in new buildings as well as in residential houses in villages. Installation of the equipment is carried out only in summer and ‘Santechkomplect’, supplying goods in a certain timeline, has already proved itself as a reliable supplier. Holding also participates actively in Republic project "Clean Water".

Assessing the scale of state investments in the construction and modernization of housing, as well as the role of ‘Santechkomplect’ in the implementation of these projects, we can safely say that ‘Santechkomplect’ holding has all the resources to participate in projects of national importance.




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